CTE Courses
Below are the current Career and Technical Education Courses at Mitchell High School.
For credentials earned in CTE courses go to CTE Credentials.
Some courses will be taught on campus for MHS CTE through MCC.

Agricultural Education
Agricultural Education provides students with the opportunity to participate in classes that prepare them for careers in the food, fiber and environmental systems. The courses encompass the production of agricultural commodities, including food, fiber, wood products, horticulture crops, and other plant and animal products. The Agricultural program also includes financing, processing, marketing and distribution of agricultural products; farm production supply and service industries; the use and conservation of land and water resources; and related economic, sociological, political, environmental and cultural characteristics of the food, and fiber system.
Business Education
Business, Finance and Information Technology Education is a broad, comprehensive curriculum providing students with meaningful instruction for and about business. Instruction in BFIT Education encompasses business skills and techniques, an understanding of basic economics, and business attitudes essential to participate in multinational marketplace as productive workers and consumers. This course is designed to prepare graduates as viable competitors in the business world and for advanced educational opportunities. Basic skills of reading, writing, and computation are an integral part. Computer literacy and proficiency in various applications are emphasized.
Family & Consumer Sciences Education
Family and Consumer Sciences Education prepares students for careers working with individuals and families, as well as competence in the work of their own families. Family and Consumer Sciences Education consists of 8 distinct core areas:
Consumer Education and Resource Management
Early Childhood Education and Services
Family and Interpersonal Relationships
Food Production and Services
Foods, Nutrition and Wellness
Housing, Interiors, and Design
Parenting, Education and Human Development
Textiles, Apparel, and Fashion
Developmentally appropriate courses incorporate these eight core areas, as well as academic integration and workplace applications, to prepare students to successfully manage individual, family, work, and community roles.
Health Science Education
Trade and Industrial Education is a secondary program to prepare students for careers in North Carolina Career Clusters. While completing course sequences in these clusters, students will incorporate problem-solving, design, technical communication, modeling, testing, evaluation, and implications of technology. Activities associated with the major program areas of Trade and Industrial Education will provide practical applications to enhance student learning. English language arts are reinforced. Work-based learning strategies appropriate for this course include job shadowing. Apprenticeship and cooperative education are not possible for this course. SkillsUSA competitive events, community service, and leadership activities provide the opportunity to apply essential standards and workplace readiness skills through authentic experiences.
Work- Based Learning
Work-based learning links what students learn in the classroom with what they will do in their lives after graduation. The purpose is to provide students a transition from an educational setting to the workplace and assist in choosing and preparing a career path. Through work experiences, students have the opportunity to see firsthand how what they learn in school is used in the work world. Work-based learning provides the opportunity to develop skills in communication and problem solving and puts students in contact with adults who may act as mentors and positive role models.
A CTE Internship allows students to observe and participate in daily operations, develop direct contact with job personnel, ask questions about particular careers, and perform certain job tasks. This activity is exploratory and allows the student to get hands-on experience in a number of related activities. The teacher, student, and the business community jointly plan the organization, implementation, and evaluation of an internship, regardless of whether it is an unpaid or paid internship. (source: NC CTE Essential Standards, 2012)
To be eligible for a CTE Internship a student must have:
GPA of 2.5
No failed courses from previous semester
No attendance or tardy issues
Completed or is in the process of completing a CTE Career Cluster related to the internship (requires a completer course)
Reliable transportation and is a senior
Work with the CTE Career Development Coordinator to make arrangements with a local business to sponsor the internship
Complete the Student Internship Application form (available from the Career Development Facilitator)
NOTE: Final approval for an internship will be based on the student’s application, eligibility requirements listed and CTE Administration approval.
Mayland on Mitchell campus
Introduction to 3D Printing
Prerequisite: None
Grades: 11 - 12
This course covers the historical, social and ethical issues, as well as the basic techniques surrounding 3D Printing. Topics include current and historical events, social impact of the technology and basic model creation and manipulation techniques. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the major advantages and disadvantages of 3D Printing technology as well as demonstrate an ability to create and print a simple project.