Federal Programs
Federal programs address diverse needs of North Carolina’s schools and student population. They include programs like Title I and its many parts: School Improvement, Reading First, Even Start Family Literacy, Migrant Children, Children who are Neglected or Delinquent, and Comprehensive School Reform.
Title II addresses teacher and principal training and Enhancing Education through Technology.
Title III (Part A) covers English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement. Title IV pertains to Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities, the Migrant Education Program and 21st Century Learning Centers; Title V, Innovative Programs, and Title VI, Small, Rural Schools Achievement Program, and Rural and Low-Income School Program.
Title IX, part of the Education Amendments of 1972, provides for gender equity, and Title X addresses provisions for the education of homeless children. Below are helpful links.

Erik Buchanan
Federal Programs Director
(828) 766-3358