The new and improved Mitchell County Schools websites are now LIVE! Head on over to www.mcsnc.org to check out your child's school site! You will find updated school events, athletic events, menus and more! We will have even more exciting news on Tuesday, May 2nd. Stay tuned!!!

Mitchell County Schools' websites will be down temporarily over the next few hours. We have some exciting upgrades and announcements coming VERY soon! Stay tuned....

Free Summer Reading Opportunity!!!

Summer Bridge Program applications are being accepted now! Please ask your current 5th or 8th grader about a permission slip that has been sent home!!

Update : Mitchell County Sheriff's office has investigated the incident and there was no arrest and no credible threat.
All Mitchell County Schools have been placed on a soft lockdown for the remainder of the day. This is in response to a non-specific threat outside the school system that law enforcement is currently investigating. Students are continuing with classes as usual, but not allowed outside the building. School dismissal will proceed as usual this afternoon.

We would like to thank Shane and Kim Buchanan (Let it Shine) for refreshing the Board of Education sign by cleaning and
painting!! It looks beautiful!!!

Deyton Elementary and Harris Middle Schools students had the opportunity to participate in the Duke Energy Science Night on Tuesday, April 18, 2023. Mrs. Sam Sirois and her 8th grade science students hosted the event. Activities included exploring air power with air cannons, creating gas powered rockets, investigating tree rings, microscopes, binary code, sound waves, magnetic properties, gravitational forces, electric circuits and strength of structures with marshmallow towers. Local veterinarian Jennie Stewart and Science night alum Hunter Wilson brought lizards, spiders, snakes and a cockatoo for students to interact with.

We are looking forward to the Career Expo tomorrow for all 8th-12th graders. A special thank you to the sponsors and vendors who will be attending!

Spring Break begins tomorrow, Friday, April 7 and continues through Friday, April 14th. We will see you on Monday, April, 17th!

Kindergarten Registration is tomorrow, April 6th! It will be held at Gouge Elementary and Greenlee Primary at 9:00am and 5:30pm. If you are unable to attend, please contact the school your child will attend. We can't wait to meet the Class of 2036 tomorrow!

If you have been trying to call your child's school and cannot get through, please call this number and let them know: 1-844-233-3369. AT&T WILL NOT work with us to get the issue resolved! Let them hear your concerns so hopefully we can get this problem fixed soon! Thank you!

Kindergarten registration has been postponed until Thursday, April 6.

Remember, tomorrow (Wednesday, March 15th) is a scheduled Teacher Workday.

Mitchell County Schools will be closed today, Tuesday, March 14th for students. This will be a Teacher Workday for staff. We are seeing snow in several areas this morning and it is predicted to continue throughout the morning.

Don’t forget to visit the Arts in Education Showcase at the Toe River Arts Gallery in Spruce Pine! The show runs until March 11th. We are proud of our students and their art teachers and appreciate the support from our local arts community.Toe River Arts

There will be a Mitchell County Drug Awareness Program at Bear Creek Baptist Church in the Family Life Center on Wednesday, March 1st from 6:30 - 8:00. This will be for all ages. Please make plans to come support the community as everyone should know about drug awareness!