Mitchell County Schools will dismiss one-hour early today, Friday, December 20. We have been monitoring the weather throughout the day and anticipate snow arriving by 4:00pm this afternoon. We want to make sure all students are home safely. We hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday and look forward to seeing students again on January 2.
about 21 hours ago, Jennifer Gregory
Thank you, Hobbton High, for your support!
2 days ago, Cole Chester
Senior Ads are due by Jan. 21st. This includes payment, pictures, and what you want the ad to say. An email has been sent to students with detailed information about senior ads. You can also pick up a flyer in the office at MHS.
3 days ago, Allison Ollis
Senior 25
Weekly Newsletter #11
6 days ago, Susan Hawkins
Dec. 15
We are incredibly grateful to Jackson County Schools for providing lunch, gifts, and games for our EC department! They also generously gave gifts to our staff. Words cannot express our appreciation for today!
11 days ago, Cole Chester
MHS Students
Underclassmen and Senior Makeup Picture Day
16 days ago, Allison Ollis
Picture Day
Senior Picture Makeup Day DATES: December 10th, 2024 LOCATION: Mitchell High School (Library) Sign-up in school.
16 days ago, Allison Ollis
Senior 24
Mitchell High School continues to have many great things happen. Here is our most recent copy of the school paper, which you can follow along with everything we are doing!
18 days ago, Cole Chester
The 9-12 Grade makeup pictures will be on 12/10. If it snows, the date will be 12/11.
30 days ago, Allison Ollis
Picture Day
about 1 month ago, Susan Hawkins
Nov. 18
about 1 month ago, Susan Hawkins
Nov. 12
School Calendar for Week of November 11th, 2024 Monday- Veterans Day Holiday- No School Tuesday-Friday - One Hour Delay
about 1 month ago, Jennifer Gregory
Veterans Day
about 1 month ago, Susan Hawkins
Nov. 6
Mayland will restart classes by October 28. Our plan is to provide multiple opportunities for students to move forward as their situations allow. We will be reopening the first eight-week courses to allow students to complete work. If you are registered for a second eight-week course, you are still registered, with most starting on October 28. Please check your MCC email and Moodle as soon as you can. Your MCC Instructors will communicate changes to the course schedule and any changes to the syllabus. We know each student has unique circumstances, so please get in touch with your MCC Instructor and discuss your situation. We hope that every student is able to complete their classes, and MCC is committed to doing everything we can to ensure success.
about 2 months ago, Cole Chester
Mitchell County Schools "Mountaineer Strong" T-shirt pre-order pickups will be available starting Saturday, October 26 at the Mitchell High School Football Game. You will also be able to purchase a t-shirt via cash or Paypal during this time. The cost is $25.00. All proceeds go to support MCS students. On Tuesday, October 29 and Wednesday, October 30 we will also have another pickup/t-shirt sale from 11:00-12:30 at Mitchell County Schools Board of Education Office. We do have the ability to ship these items as well for the cost of shipping. If you have questions, please email Paypal Links: Payment Link for Pick-up (without shipping) - Payment Link with shipping -
about 2 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
T shirt Sale
We are so excited for Trunk or Treat on October 31!
2 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
Trunk or Treat
Please consider donating to one of these funds, which will go directly toward student trips that have already been planned. Deposits and payments are due for some of the trips, and we do not want to ask our students to pay any money during this difficult time. This is one way we can offer a little hope and a sense of normalcy. Our Juniors and Seniors already missed out on school trips during COVID, and we don’t want that to happen again this year due to circumstances beyond our control. Please share this message with any contacts you may have outside of our community!
2 months ago, Shana Cook
QR codes for student trips
We urge you to follow the Mitchell County NC Government and Michell County Emergency Management pages. We will try to share community updates when possible, but like everyone else, we don't have cell service unless we go outside the area.
3 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
flood info
Homecoming Announcement!
3 months ago, Denise Murphy
Mitchell High School Homecoming Court will be presented in the Mitchell High School gym at 6:30pm. The football game is still on schedule as of right now.
3 months ago, Jennifer Gregory